Know Your Options


You have the legal right to choose the outcome of your pregnancy. But real empowerment comes when you find the resources and inner strength necessary to make your best choice. Here are some other options.


Choosing to continue your pregnancy and to parent is very challenging. But with the support of caring people, parenting classes, and other resources, many women find the help they need to make this choice. We offer space as available to women needing shelter during their pregnancy. Ask about our Maternity Home.


You may decide to place your child for adoption. Each year over 50,000 women in America make this choice. This loving decision is often made by women who first thought abortion was their only way out.

Help Is Available

Facing an unexpected pregnancy can seem overwhelming. That is why knowing where to go for help is important. Talk to someone you can trust – your partner, your parents, a pastor, a priest or perhaps a good friend. Also, the caring people at your pregnancy center are available to help you through this difficult time. To make an appointment at The Womens Center of Lafayette, call us at 337-289-9366; or 1-877-84WOMEN. To find a pregnancy center near you, call 1-800-395-HELP or visit Find Pregnancy